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Jesus didn't dedicate himself to explain religious doctrine so that his disciples would learn it correctly and spread it later to everyone. That wasn't his objective. He was speaking to them about an «event» that was just happening: «God is being introduced into the world. God wants things to change. God only asks that life be more full of dignity and happiness for all».

Jesus called this «God's reign». We need to be very attentive to its coming. We need to be awake: open well the eyes of the heart; ardently desire the world to change; believe in this good news that is so slow in becoming full reality; change our way of thinking and acting; go about seeking and welcoming «God's reign».

It's not strange that throughout the Gospel we so often hear his insistent call: «keep watch», «be attentive to his coming», «wake up». It's the first attitude of someone who decides to live a life as Jesus lived it. It's the first thing we need to take care of in order to follow his footsteps.

«Be awake» means not falling into skepticism and indifference in the face of the world around us. Don't allow our heart to be hardened. Don't get stuck just in complaining, criticizing and condemning. Actively awaken hope.

«Be awake» means living in a clearer manner, not letting ourselves be pulled by insensitivity that sometime seems to invade everything. Dare to be different. Don't allow the desire of seeking the good of all to be snuffed out.

«Be awake» means living passionately the small adventure of each day. Keep interested in the one who needs us. Keep doing those «little gestures» that apparently go nowhere, but that sustain people's hope and make life a little friendlier.

«Be awake» means awakening our faith. Seek God in our life and based on our life. Come close and know each person intuitively. Discover it attracting each one of us to happiness. Live not only our own small projects but be attentive to God's project.


José Antonio Pagola

Translator: Fr. Jay VonHandorf

Publicado en www.gruposdejesus.com

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