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To the God who so loves all his children, we offer our petitions, responding "Help us, we are in your hands, Father.

• So that those of us who celebrate the sunday eucharist can separate our hearts from riches and we may become austere and simple.

Help us, we are in your hands, Father.

• So we may be alive to the needs of our brothers and make their lives easier.

Help us, we are in your hands, Father.

• So we may be generous and not fear or distrust our brothers.

Help us, we are in your hands, Father.

• So that those who have more power and capacity in taking decisions may be every day more sensitive to social inequality and work to improve the situation.

Help us, we are in your hands, Father.

• So that christians may become a major factor in transforming the world to a more fraternal and humane society.

Help us, we are in your hands, Father.

Impassion the hearts of politicians, public authorities and civil servants, so that in their work they may always see the people who need their help. Good Father God, you who know our good intentions and our bad memory, receive our petitions and make us more generous every day. Amen.


Mari Patxi Ayerra

Traducción de Hugo Castelli

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