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We wouldn't have dared,

if he hadn't done it

and hadn't invited us

to follow your footsteps

and use your gestures and words

to express our the most intimate feelings

of our innermost selves

when we want to talk to You.


We wouldn't have dared,

but since He did that in his daily life,

he overcame our feelings with respect to You,

some of them so old, that they go back to the confusion of the Garden of Eden,

some of them so new, that they still blur our vision

and wound our confidence

in You, in life and in our own selves

converting you into a stranger.


We wouldn't have dared,

but He gave us your Spirit

so that we ceased to be slaves

but free sons and brothers,

that no longer fall into fear

but enjoy their condition of sons

knowing that You like being a Father

although we are forgetful.


We wouldn't have dared

if He hadn't convinced us

and hadn't decided to pray with us

in both good times and bad

so that we can enjoy this dialogue with You,

with your faithful, firm and free-given love

and the most tender caresses

that come from your hands of a potter.


We wouldn't have dared,

in spite of being your sons,

to call you Abba,

Our Father,

little Daddy,

with gracefulness and respect

like children.


Florentino Ulibarri

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